Auto insurance in the state of Florida
The unbelievable trend in the number of drivers not getting an auto insurance policy in the recent year has been a reason for concern. It was revealed by the Insurance Research Council (IRC) in 2015 that a summed-up figure of about one eight of the road users in the United States is uninsured. A trend of a progressive increase in the nationwide Uninsured Motorist (UM) was found to be 12.3% in 2010 to 13% in 2015. In individual states, there is a wide range of the figure of uninsured drivers. That of Maine which is 4.5 percent compared to that of Florida which is lead with 26.7 percent of the total road users without auto insurance.

The legal consequence of driving without Auto insurance In respect to the No-Fault Law, Floridian Vehicle owners are mandated to have a minimum of $10,000 set for Property Damage Liability (PDL) and another sum of $10,000 for Personal Injury Protection (PIP). Just in case you ever get involved in an accident that involves bodily harm to others, you are required to have a coverage that is to include Bodily Injury and this is $10, 000 for an individual and $20,000 for each accidental occurrence. You be aware that this coverage should be owned before the advent of your registration and license plates and you must carry it throughout the period of your registration. On an account of you intending to terminate your insurance policy, you are required to tender your plates before the elapse of insurance policy. An avoidance of doing so will require the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) to suspend your license, registration, and vehicle tags for a period of up 3 years or till you get insured. This calls for a reinstatement charge of $150 to as high as $500 for the subsequent violation. Also, the driver must provide a substantial proof of recent Florida insurance policy made.
Reason possible for a decline in drivers with auto insurance According to the Census Bureau which measures annually, the poverty level. It is also responsible for setting the threshold for calculating poverty level by putting into consideration various factors such as; household income, family size, and others states that the poverty level in Florida in 2017 is 14 percent. This could account for drivers not being able to afford an insurance policy. Also, another reason could be that drivers are afraid of not been able to win a claim when needed because of their profile. This dent in their profile could be that they are unlawful immigrants, they did not come out clean with the details provided in their initial applications by not stating the correct number of people in their household, if their partner children will be using their vehicle, place of residence, the vehicle to be used for business or private use, and a plethora of others. It is therefore pertinent to come clean and meet with an experienced agent to help with advice on what to do.